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FHIR projects allow learning and implementation of the standard gradually within the ecosystem.

The Projects include the characterization and development of the FHIR profiles, required for implementation of the project and the establishment of active FHIR interfaces which executes the standard.

FHIR implementation is a gradual process, expanding through realization of use cases. Whilst doing so, characterization and development of FHIR profiles required for executing the use case, are carried out, and active FHIR interfaces are created and deploy the standard.





Affiliate Organizations


Application which allows continuous communication of patients in Diabetes & Obesity clinic with the hospital clinic staff.

The patient will be able to enter self-reports and information passed by sensors, while this information will be accessible to clinic staff (Doctor/Nurse, depending on the type of information), using designated dashboards that will allow to create notifications for the staff.

Data collection will be done in FHIR standard, while the project includes full integration to Rambam’s clinical record.

IMNA Solutions, Rambam Health Care Campus

  • Observation

  • MedicationAdministration

  • MedicationRequest

  • ServiceRequest

  • QuestionnaireResponse

  • DiagnosticReport

  • ValueSet

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