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FHIR projects allow learning and implementation of the standard gradually within the ecosystem.

The Projects include the characterization and development of the FHIR profiles, required for implementation of the project and the establishment of active FHIR interfaces which executes the standard.

FHIR implementation is a gradual process, expanding through realization of use cases. Whilst doing so, characterization and development of FHIR profiles required for executing the use case, are carried out, and active FHIR interfaces are created and deploy the standard.





Affiliate Organizations


A platform enabled by FHIR for providing structured recommendations during patient discharge from the hospital to continued care in the community or other facilities. It ensures a unified language between the hospital and community, facilitates patient transparency and engagement, and reduces bureaucracy for the community healthcare provider.

Clalit - Hospital Division, Community Division, Digital Division, Outburn, InterSystems, and the FHIR IL Community

  • Patient

  •  Practitioner

  • Encounter

  • Condition

  • Task

  • DocumentRequest

  • MedicationRequest

Application which allows continuous communication of patients in Diabetes & Obesity clinic with the hospital clinic staff.

The patient will be able to enter self-reports and information passed by sensors, while this information will be accessible to clinic staff (Doctor/Nurse, depending on the type of information), using designated dashboards that will allow to create notifications for the staff.

Data collection will be done in FHIR standard, while the project includes full integration to Rambam’s clinical record.

IMNA Solutions, Rambam Health Care Campus

  • Observation

  • MedicationAdministration

  • MedicationRequest

  • ServiceRequest

  • QuestionnaireResponse

  • DiagnosticReport

  • ValueSet

Issuing digital prescription at the hospital, which will be fully absorbed and documented in the patient’s clinical record in the community.
As part of the project, a digitization of the paper prescription will be obtained (“white prescription”), in a way that allows patients, on the first step, to purchase in the pharmacy medications issued by the hospital, similarly to the way we purchase medications issued by the HMO these days.
On the second step, the full integration into the clinical record will produce a full continuity of care, increase safety and the responsiveness for medication treatment, and will also provide solutions for further bureaucratic problems which exist today in the medication approval process

Maccabi HMO, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Assuta Ashdod Hospital, Elad Systems, Outburn Ltd

  • Encounter

  • Practitioner

  • MedicationRequest

  • list  

Mechanic restrictions and isolation are acceptable psychiatric measures, which the system aspires to reduce as much as possible.
The project’s objective is to create an automatic interface from mental health hospitals to MOH in order to transfer the restrictions data, on a daily basis, to follow up the documentation of restrictions which takes place at mental health hospitals and in line with 2018 Director General's Circular


  • Patient

  • Encounter

  • Procedure

  • Observation

  • List

  • Service Request

The Project’s objective is presenting information about coverages of health products to citizens, including Further Health Services plans using specific website for health and nursing insurances - “A decision supporting tool”

Ministry of Finance, Capital Market Authority, Ministry of Health, e-government, HMO’s, Outburn Ltd.

  • Patient

  • Coverage

The Ministry of Health operates to develop a new system for conducting Epidemiological investigations for diseases that must be reported.
Diseases that must be reported are defined in Public Health regulations as diseases which the medical official who diagnosed them, must report them to an healthcare agency by the power of updating the second appendix of Public Health command (list of diseases that must be reported).


  • Patient

  • Encounter

  • Condition

  • Observation

  • Task

  • Service Request

  • Specimen

  • Practitioner

  • Document…

Automatic retrieval in FHIR of information from the hospital’s database to a developer file who conducts clinical research in the hospital.
The data will be transferred to YonaLink and will be converted again to a standard used to submit to CDISC (FDA).
As part of the project a conversion of lab tests and medication in hospitalization is planned, while the POC is planned upon a research that is now taking place at Soroka.

Soroka Medical Center, YonaLink Ltd.

  • observation resource

  • Medication Resource

  • Medication Administration

  • Medication Statement

Establishing a dedicated interface between healthcare funds and hospitals for the purpose of ordering and receiving urgent blood test results for oncological patients prior to systemic treatment.
Oncological patients receiving treatment in day hospitalization require up-to-date lab tests (24-36 hours) as a condition for receiving systemic treatment. Some patients arrive at the hospital for treatment with results that do not permit the treatment, or they arrive without results and are required to undergo repeat tests.
The solution is an interface between healthcare funds and hospitals, allowing the order of lab tests and the reception of results directly by the hospital the day before treatment. Based on the findings, it can be decided whether to contact the patient to reschedule the appointment

Meuhedet HMO, Sheba medical center, Outburn Ltd.

  • Observation

  • DiagnosticReport

  • ServiceRequest

Building a FHIR interface for an automated approval of obligation forms between hospitals and the insuring HMO.
The interface allows patients who arrive at the hospital to pass their magnetic card on the “Kiosk”, by which a query to the HMO is performed to make sure there is a valid obligation.
Thanks to the interface, the patient can go straight to the doctor and don’t need to stand in the front desk line. The interface allows optimization of the system, saving in human resources and a significant improvement of the patients’ journey.

Meuhedet HMO, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center

  • EligibilityRequest

  • Eligibility Response

  • Bundle

  • Coverage 

Developing a digital interface to request payment commitment for ambulatory services between HMOs and hospitals, upon consensual service areas, aimed to reduce today’s bureaucracy’s burden on patients, and improve their continuity of care.

Digital Health division in MOH, Government Hospitals Division, Callit’s Hospitals Division, Assuta Ashdod Hospital, The Holy Family Hospital Nazareth, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Clalit HMO, Meuhedet HMO, Leumit HMO, Outburn Ltd.

  • CoverageEligibilityRequest

  • CoverageEligibilityResponse

  • Appointment

  • DocumentReference

  • Coverage

  • Location

  • Patient

  • Bundle

Distributed data research, joint by three organizations, in the field of obstetrics and high-risk pregnancy.

As part of the research, the data shall be standardized throughout the three organizations, enabling the creation of continuous clinical data derived from multiple and varied sources: prenatal care, diagnosis, and postpartum hospitalizations, from early pregnancy through delivery.

The Jerusalem Center for Computational personalized medicine in The Hebrew University, The Hadassah University Medical Center, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Meuhedet HMO, Outburn Ltd.

  • Patient (Mother, Child)

  • RelatedPerson (Mother)

  • Observation (Pregnancy Summary, Pregnancy History,…

Establishing a service for home hospitalization which is based on data transfer on FHIR from Chameleon to the Datos platform.
The service includes house visits, in-home monitoring of measures, performing tests in the patient’s home, etc., as all information gathered in the patient’s home is documented on the Datos platform.
The data from Chameleon to Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface, whereas the data gathered from Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface to the intersystems integration infrastructure, and from there will be implemented as a PDF file in Chameleon.

Assuta Medical Centers, Datos Health, Outburn Ltd.

  • Patient

  • Observation

  • DocumentReference

  • AllergyIntolerance

  • DocumentReference 

  • Observation

  • observation-vitalsigns

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