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Home Hospitalizations

Assuta Medical Centers, Datos Health, Outburn Ltd.

Establishing a service for home hospitalization which is based on data transfer on FHIR from Chameleon to the Datos platform.

The  service includes house visits, in-home monitoring of measures, performing tests in the patient’s home, etc., as all information gathered in the patient’s home is documented on the Datos platform.

The data from Chameleon to Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface, whereas the data gathered from Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface to the intersystems integration infrastructure, and from there will be implemented as a PDF file in Chameleon.

The group’s study case

  • Transferring data from patients in home hospitalization to the medical record in Assuta, based on the FHIR transfer of information from the medical record (Chameleon) to the Datos platform.

  • The  service includes house visits, in-home monitoring of measures, performing tests in the patient’s home, etc., as all information gathered in the patient’s home is documented on the Datos platform.

  • The information from the medical record to Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface, whereas information gathered from Datos will be transferred in FHIR interface to the integration environment of the medical record. In Chameleon, part of the data will be kept as PDF files in those elements in which the information is not managed built-in in Chameleon.

The project’s world of content

  • Home Hospitalization

  • Estimates and measures, such as: BP, Glucose, satoration, temperature, weight

  • Measures and monitoring data (IoT), such as EKG 

  • Patient’s reportings (questionnaires) 

  • Identification of patients between systems

Solution's Architecture

  • Transferring measurements and patients reporting from Datos cloud to Assuta’s integration infrastructure.

  • Receiving FHIR messages in IRIS integration environment

  • Transferring the data and the PDF to the medical record in Chameleon.

Profiles to be characterized in the project

  • Patient, Observation, DocumentReference, AllergyIntolerance

  • In the first step the questionnaires will be realized using DocumentReference and Observation

  • In the future - QuestionnaireResponse when the data reporting will be managed built-in in Chameleon

  • Valid vital signs against the profile - observation vitalsigns

Terminology to be used

  •  LOINC - for coding all kinds of measures and estimates

  • UCUM - Measurement unit for measures values

  • Allergies - Not yet characterized

Project Status

The work on the project is done

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