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Doctor - Patient Communication -
Patient Reports

IMNA Solutions,  Rambam Health Care Campus

Application which allows continuous communication of patients in Diabetes & Obesity clinic with the hospital clinic staff.

The patient will be able to enter self-reports and information passed by sensors, while this information will be accessible to clinic staff (Doctor/Nurse, depending on the type of information), using designated dashboards that will allow to create notifications for the staff.

Data collection will be done in FHIR standard, while the project includes full integration to Rambam’s clinical record.

The group’s study case

We now know that patients’ medical condition and the quality of life of those with chronic diseases, are mostly affected by factors in between treatments and clinic visits (factors such as nutrition, medication, exercise, mental state, etc.). These, in fact, become a “black hole” of incomplete information, which today the medical staff has no access to, but is utterly significant.

As a part of the project in the Diabetes and Obesity Excellence Center in Rambam, we have created a unique continuity of care by implementing the patient’s reports in his clinical record, in order to overcome the lack of information within the hospital systems, also when the patient is outside the medical center.

The patients use the application for ongoing communication with the clinic staff and enter their own reports as to their health and quality of life. Also, information is received from their portable devices. All information is going through full integration into their medical record on FHIR standard and is accessible to care givers.

The project’s world of content

The data passed by the patient (PGHD - Patient Generated Health Data) - either automatically using IoT portable devices, or manually by the patient will be integrated into his clinical record.

The world of content includes measurements (weight, height, vitals such as BP, saturation, temperature, pulse, etc.), lab tests, clinical valid questionnaires, exercise, drinking fluids, intermittently fasting).

This world of content has great importance in Diabetes and Obesity care, and is targeted at two primary objectives:

  1. Consistently and effectively monitor the patient’s condition while he’s outside of the hospital.

  2. Back the decision making of the medical staff, in order to give care which brings better results in shorter time, personalized and precise.

Today the PGHD is an integral component of understanding the full and extensive condition of patients, therefore there is great importance in integrating the data passed by the patient into his clinical record.


Solution's Architecture

The patient's data is processed and gathered into a designated database, which will contain data in FHIR format. The data will be uploaded to the FHIR server and through which clinical  IT analyzers (Prometheus, NAMER, Chameleon, etc.) in the medical center will be able to pull out the data and integrate it into the medical record, using integration tools which will be chosen by the medical center according to his needs.

The integration tool will contain a plug-in component that supports HL7/FHIR and will allow fast and effective transposition of data.

Profiles to be characterized in the project

  • Observation

  • MedicationAdministration

  • MedicationRequest

  • ServiceRequest

  • QuestionnaireResponse

  • DiagnosticReport

  •  ValueSet

Terminology to be used

  • SNOMED-CT - Procedures/Lab tests/Questionnaires/Panels

  • LOINC - Lab tests/Questionnaires/Panels

  • UCUM - Units of measurement

  • RXNORM - Medications

Project Status

The FHIR profiles that were designed in the framework of the project are:

  • Vitals: BP, weight, height, BMI

  • Daily number of steps

  • Exercise report

  • Glucose in blood check 

  • Fluids consuming 

  • Fasting schedule

In the future, planned to be added: questionnaires, medication intake reporting, diagnostic reports and ValueSet (adding terminology to IoT devices).

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