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Digital Prescriptions

Maccabi HMO, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Assuta Ashdod Hospital, Elad Systems, Outburn Ltd.

Issuing digital prescription at the hospital, which will be fully absorbed and documented in the patient’s clinical record in the HMO.                                                                        

As part of the project, a digitization of the paper prescription will be obtained (“white prescription”), in a way that allows patients, on the first step, to purchase in the pharmacy medications issued by the hospital, similarly to the way we purchase medications issued by the HMO these days.

On the second step, the full integration into the clinical record will produce a full continuity of care, increase safety and the responsiveness for medication treatment, and will also provide solutions for further bureaucratic problems which exist today in the medication approval process.                

The group’s study case

  • Issuing a digital prescription in the hospital, as part of the hospitalization process or at ambulatory visit, which will be absorbed and documented in the patients’ clinical record in the community. As part of the project, a digitization of the paper prescription will be obtained (“white prescription”), in a way that allows patients, in the first step, to purchase in the farmacy medications issued by the hospital, similarly to the way we purchase medications issued by the HMO these days.

  • On the first step the process will operate with a closed medication list, which does not require approval.

  • In the second step, the process will operate with most of the medications, those who need approval as well, and representation of them in the clinical record will be enabled. This way, an improvement in the continuity of care and increase in the responsiveness to medication treatment will be obtained. The bureaucracy that exists today in the medication approval process will be improved as well.

The project’s world of content

  • Medication Catalog

  • Hospital prescriptions

  • Medication / prescriptions issuing

  • Medications approval

  • Continuity of care

Solution's Architecture

  • In testing: a synchronized / asynchronized process

  • Identification by QAUTH2

  • REST API paradigm

  • Integration infrastructure in hospitals Health Share Health Connect or Ansamble - transmitting prescription signals and getting responses. 

Profiles to be characterized in the project

Encounter, Practitioner, MedicationRequest, list  

Terminology to be used

  • Medication Catalog: it’s been decided to use YRPA coding, in the absence of a national accepted and agreed catalog.

  • SNOMED CT - for coding the way of prescription issuing, such as the area of the body, method, medical units of measurement, etc.

  • UCUM - quantitative units of  measurement.

Project Status

  • Business process characterization and data modeling on FHIR are finished.

  • Development of digital prescription infrastructure at Maccabi HMO is in progress.

  • Beginning of integration with the hospital is waiting for chameleon 8.3 version to be installed in the DEV environment and for developing a solution which assures sending a valid and proper prescription to the HMO.

  • Medication catalog united for phase A + conversion table between SNOMED CT codes and the chameleon in the validation phase.

  • Interested in joining into the process more HealthCare organizations who give service to “Maccabi” HMO clients, and their EMR system allows sending verified digital prescriptions, valid and proper and with the characteristics mentioned in the characterization.

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