יום א׳, 05 בנוב׳
|תל אביב-יפו
FHIR IL Global Interoperability Workshop
סדנה מיוחדת בהשתתפות מובילי FHIR מהעולם
זמן ומיקום
05 בנוב׳ 2023, 9:00 – 16:00
תל אביב-יפו, שדרות רוקח 80, תל אביב-יפו, ישראל
פרטי האירוע
שמחים להזמין אתכם לסדנת FHIR בהובלה של שלושה ממובילי FHIR בעולם:
- Kenneth Mandl, MD, MPH - Director, Computational Health Informatics Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, Donald A.B. Lindberg Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School
- Josh Mandel - Chief Architect for Microsoft Health Futures and SMART Health IT
- Lloyd McKenzie - Chief Standards Officer, Dogwood Healthcare Consulting Ltd., Co-chair, HL7 International FHIR Management Groupת Co-chair, HL7 FHIR Infrastructure Work Group
הסדנה תפתח בפאנל עם שלושת המנחים ולאחר מכן תתקיים בשני מסלולים מקבילים - עסקי וטכנולוגי.
בהרשמה לסדנה, תוכלו לבחור את הסשנים בהם תרצו לקחת חלק (ניתן לשלב בין שני המסלולים)
סדנה זו כוללת תוכן, מידע וטיפים שיוכלו לסייע לכם בעבודה ולתת מענה לבעיות בהן אתם נתקלים.
נשמח מאוד להשתתפותכם.
09:00-09:30 Gathering / Networking Breakfast
09:30-09:45 Opening words
09:45-10:30 Expert Panel (“The FHIR Journey: From Inception to Future Innovations”) - Ken, Josh, Lloyd
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-12:30 First Session:
Business Track - Josh Mandel + Ken Mandl - The intersection of technology and regulation
The intersection of technology and regulation, drawing lessons from the U.S. but contextualizing them for Israeli healthcare. While it describes U.S. best practices, the primary aim is to offer insights that could inform Israel’s own interoperability roadmap, including a robust discussion around specific clinician and public health use-cases within Israel.
Technical Track - Lloyd McKenzie - Case Studies in Using FHIR
FHIR is a ‘toolbox’ that offers a wide variety of architectural approaches to data exchange. We will explore a variety of FHIR projects and implementations from the Canadian, U.S. and international spaces. For each, we will consider: Why was FHIR determined to be a good fit? What approach(s) to FHIR exchange were selected and how were those choices made? What benefits has FHIR provided above what might have been possible with other approaches and what disadvantages has it introduced? What success has the project had thus far?
12:45-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-15:30 Second Session:
Business Track - Ken Mandl + Dan Gottlieb (via Zoom) - The intersection of technology and regulation
The second workshop will look at the potential impact of making standardized population-level data easily available at a national scale. Again, while we draw upon U.S. experiences as case studies, the focal point is Israeli healthcare. For example, the session will highlight Israel's global leadership in using real-world data to validate the first mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. The workshop aims to explore the possibilities of similar data were standardized and readily accessible in Israel.
Technical Track - Lloyd McKenzie + Josh Mandel - SMART on FHIR: Navigating Health Data Access in a Changing Landscape
This session delves into the SMART on FHIR framework, emphasizing its role in enhancing EHR interoperability. The session creates a platform for interactive discussions, extending the conversation to include the pragmatics of SMART on FHIR implementation, advanced data access methods, and relevant security protocols.
15:30-16:00 End of Workshop